Astea sunt pasarelele pt Kimberly. Imi pare rau ca nu le-am masurat si nu le-am facut poze cu repere. Cred ca cea mai mica, cea visinie, are aprox. 6 mm. Cea mai mare poate are 1 cm. Cea bleu si cea roz au mai aparut in zona cu ocazia Thing-a-Day :)
Just wanted to say how super cute these little birdies are! I'm also really impressed by your Thing-a-day posts, I wish I was able to make so many cool things so quickly!
Just wanted to say how super cute these little birdies are! I'm also really impressed by your Thing-a-day posts, I wish I was able to make so many cool things so quickly!
RăspundețiȘtergeremici ca tine :P