I put this on TAD because I improvised it along the way, so I guess it's creative (besides being too yummy to put into words). I had cheese, mushrooms, onions and cream. And some polenta from yesterday. What to do?
The second picture shows the food before being put in the oven, the first one shows it fresly removed from the oven and the third one shows my plate, seconds before I ate it all.
Bon apetit!
The second picture shows the food before being put in the oven, the first one shows it fresly removed from the oven and the third one shows my plate, seconds before I ate it all.
Bon apetit!
arata delicios :D primele ciuperci de genul asta pe care le-am gustat eu au fost in sibiu ;))
RăspundețiȘtergereomg trebuie sa am asta! ;))
RăspundețiȘtergerebravo! sa incerci si cu marar&usturoi!
RăspundețiȘtergeremultumesc, am sa incerc :)