Minodora is a doll-to-be. I'm training for the Unicef project "Create a doll, help a child". But that doll should be at least 30 cm tall and Minodora, being a lot smaller, is just an exercise. For today, just the body and the face. The dress and the hair are just make-believe. She looks like a Minodora now, who knows what her identity will be when she's ready !
are o privire foarte inteligenta ... ba chiar as putea spune ca are doua priviri ... si ambele focalizeaza nasul...
RăspundețiȘtergerevai, cu parul prins asa, si nu cu codite, seamana cu mine :)))
RăspundețiȘtergere@vala - e mioapa, ce vrei?!
RăspundețiȘtergere@d-ra babacilu - pai, ce bine, asa o sa te recunosc usor in week-end :D.