sâmbătă, 6 februarie 2010

day 6 - minodora

Minodora is a doll-to-be. I'm training for the Unicef project "Create a doll, help a child". But that doll should be at least 30 cm tall and Minodora, being a lot smaller, is just an exercise. For today, just the body and the face. The dress and the hair are just make-believe. She looks like a Minodora now, who knows what her identity will be when she's ready !

Posted via email from thing-a-day 2010

3 comentarii:

  1. are o privire foarte inteligenta ... ba chiar as putea spune ca are doua priviri ... si ambele focalizeaza nasul...

  2. vai, cu parul prins asa, si nu cu codite, seamana cu mine :)))

  3. @vala - e mioapa, ce vrei?!
    @d-ra babacilu - pai, ce bine, asa o sa te recunosc usor in week-end :D.
