duminică, 28 februarie 2010

day 27 - making of...

I cannot believe that this is coming to an end already. This year I found it less difficult to go through with it. It was a full, fun and rewarding month. But more cheesy stuff tomorrow. Today I worked on my ladybugs army, I finished and delivered them. I am happy some ladies will get them on March 1st and maybe some will wear them. I took pictures along the way. It shows how I started by day and finished by night (although I enhanced the brightness in Photoshop - it is the only thing I can do in Photoshop, along with making pictures smaller ).

Posted via email from zebru's Thing-a-Day 2010

7 comentarii:

  1. am eu un spray de insecte ... ca vad ca te-au napadit ...

  2. Sunt atat de dragute!!!! :)
    Cu singuranta au sa le bucure pe purtatoare!

  3. @noe: Noah, is that you? Poor thing, surrounded by all those animals... How are you holdin' up? :)))
    @ Anca: multumesc, da, si eu cred :)

  4. Huh, ce harnica ai fost.
    Felicitari >:D<

  5. superba armata!
    p.s. sunt cele 2 lucuri pe care stiu sa le fac si eu in photoshop ;))

  6. zebruca umple lumea de ochioase ;))
    ce dragute sunt toate :D sunt printre putinele martisoare foarte frumoase (cu cat mai trece un an, cu cat piata e plina de tot felul de mutatii martisoresti..)
    ochioasa mea saluta armata de surate :)) >:D<

  7. multumesc everybody.
    suratele au raspuns in cor, simultan, cu voci clare si vesele, speriind oleaca tantile purtatoare ;)
